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Journal #7: 30 hours, 6 per Day for 5 Days

Galileo Week 6

Second to last week of camp and things are starting to break down and everyone is already thinking about remembering camp before its even over. Throughout the week I’ve started considering this internship more as a regular family owned thing rather than an actual chain camp establishment. However; this was my first time experiencing camp compared to the majority of my coworkers who have worked the previous years. Because of this, I felt left out as even campers were here years before and would occasionally ask me “ is this your first year?” Not left out in a way that can be changed or is on purpose though. I wish had found Galileo earlier, San Carlos specifically.This week was also kind of interesting because in my personal development meeting last week, I suggested a new way to fit summer interns in as a team and the operations coordinator actually followed through and mashed all interns for one job and had the team rotate through jobs as they finished. This, compared to everyone individually working on their own throughout the day was a lot more fun because there was less separation between everyone. We played music and made lunches, socialized on our team lunch break, and played together with the campers during their lunch. There was definitely another step forward in our teamwork and comfort with each other which is very important when you need to be able to provide for a camp of 300 kids. And as we near the last week, we have started taking down posters, breaking down signs, and packing up unused materials. Camp is almost over!

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