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What Next?

Personal Vision


On a normal Sunday morning I am woken by pans and rustling around the house. I get up and out of bed, curious as to what might could be happening. After a long week, it's nice to just relax and settle around home and family. We sit down for breakfast as buggy rests his paws on my lap. I finish breakfast and take buggy out for a walk. It's interesting how many times I pass by the park but never had the chance to go there. And slowly I think about my last 20 years. How have I come to find such a lucky chance to have everything I need and keep myself busy. Then like a dog chasing its tail, I endlessly contemplate why I ever chose to do computer science instead of chemistry or biology? Although 20 years ago, I felt as if everything was a blur, I now see how far I've come to be able to sustain happiness and stability.

Action Plan


It's apparent that in search of a successful and stable life, education is step one. So my first objective would be to go to college and obtain a bachelor's with a major in either the science or computer realm. After that, I would try to make connections with internships I could have participated in or just go look for jobs that require my skills. Then I would slowly safe money until I was ready to buy a house and car. I know it's not as simple as one two three but an overall plan would just get essentials with job that I have studied for and then go from there. There's actually no telling where I will end up but I know that all I really want is a stable life and these are the most obvious first steps.

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