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Journal #8: 30 hours, 6 per Day for 5 Days

Camp Galileo Week 7

As grateful as I am for finishing this internship, I also felt very unhappy leaving camp for the last time. Over the past 7 weeks, I have built strong friendships with just about everyone there. I never thought working or interning would be so much fun because I had always imagined work as something like filing cabinets in an office or washing dishes. Previously, I did just those things as a receptionists and as a busboy but Galileo has shown me that there’s more than just work. It’s what it builds up to or results in. For our case, it was just seeing the kids having fun and learning; Their smiles would always light up my day a little bit more. Fun fact, Allen is not a morning person and my coworkers know that, but when the campers start rolling in in their goofy laughs,walks, and costumes, I am energized and ready of the day. Greeting every one of them and knowing that they are going to have a good day makes me proud of our team and what we do. One of my biggest takeaways from this internship would definitely be finding a job that makes me happy. I hear this all the time but never truly understood it because I always thought “well, if i'm getting money what does it matter”. Now, however, after expanding my horizons and experiencing what a fun job would be, I know that if I am going to get a job, it would lead up to something that would make me happy.

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